This is a simple website for Lindsay ( Roland ) Whipp, living in Maleny, Queensland, Australia, and my friends and family living in various parts of Australia, New Zealand and the USA. There is no attempt to SELL anything on this site. It is merely a personal public space.
From the Sidebar menu (top left) there are pages of News with pix of interest to family and friends. All the news items are, of course, personal opinion about current news.
Under the Books menu there are pages describing my various novels. I started writing “Speculative Fiction” novels at a hobby level during the 1970s then more seriously during the 1980s, before eBooks had been invented, under the pen-name Roland Lindsay. It was best, then, to have a mid-alphabet surname for optimal shelf placement in book-stores. In these days of eBooks and online searching it no longer matters. You may freely download any of these eBooks for reading. They are all in ePub format, without any DRM encryption common from commercial eBook sites.
Under the Sundry Stuff menu, there are links to pages about topics of interest to me. My personal background as a working animator prompted many of these pages, as CGI technology has been replacing hand-drawn animation over several decades, with mixed results.
Under the Spyder Stuff! sidebar menu, there are some static pages about Can-Am Spyders. The main issue is front wheel alignment. I built a toolkit to align the front wheels of my own first Spyder in 2013 and made that kit available to other owners until June 2022, particularly those not living in major cities where Dealers can do that work. For rural owners, DIY alignments are necessary. That kit is no longer available for loan, but pages about it and how to build one are still here.
My daughter Fiona produces great contemporary art in Tasmania, and has a website to display her work. Click the logo to link to that site.
Use the Email button (top right) to jolt me out of my usual hibernation!